Brahma Vidya - Vihangam Yoga:
Yoga and its benefits are transforming millions of lives today. Most of us are interested in Yoga but adding yet another activity into our busy and often hectic schedule always seems to be a secondary thought. Appreciating time restrictions in our mundane life, a quick and short meditation technique called Vihangam Yoga was revived by His Holiness Sadguru Sadafaldeo Ji Maharaj in 1924 hundreds of years ago. Vihangam Yoga is an ancient meditation technique, which has been continuously practiced by sages and seers.
The word Vihangam means a bird, and just as a bird leaves its base on the earth to fly high in the sky, so does Vihangam Yoga enable the human soul to cut off its moorings in the phenomenal world and realize its true and free nature. This yoga has been named as: Brahmavidya, Paravidya, Madhuvidya, Adhyatmavidya, Sahaj yoga the knowledge of realizing the supreme soul. The secret knowledge of this universe is gained through Vihangam Yoga. By practicing techniques of Vihangam Yoga one learns about the natural and spiritual world.
Very good post on brahma vidya meditation